The pages which appeared in 'The Statesman'

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The brain stays warm Lights darken bird future
Mathematical curiosities Climate change and forest stress Pictures of the mind in action AI, ancient texts and big data Cut and paste in genetics
Is 1.5 degree C within reach? Helping ice stay frozen Gravity helps freshen the air Mt Everest in Decline? Transiting to modern humans
Ozone and food Security Making sense of perception Dog tell languages apart Relieving the morning after Rudolf and the red nose
Birds in flight break ranks The tiniest signs of life Speech sets the pace in reading speed Genetic engineering mixes the mortar Climate change and the course of history
Parkinson's law and energy Devious ways at the card table Generation gap and climate change Cover-upInFrenchCourt Voice from distant past
A penny for your partner's thoughts Survival of the scarcest Climate as architect Physician cocks an ear Humans' new best friend
Night-time lighting affects insects The tusker's multitasker trunk Ancient armour inspires fabric The chameleon robot Food to stave dementia
Hydrogen using sunlight Do black holes change when they grow? Diversity leads to stability Live long, or healthy? Speaking with the far side of the moon
Coffee and climate Dog affinity to humans is genetic? 'Under the hood' - with the vaccine Bacteria strike back Sea level and cyclone fury
Engineering the violin Dinosaurs that see in the dark The copper-making microbe Cooling sans AC The nask and COVID
The practical hologram Toxins in the food chain Alternatives to silicon Greek wonder springs to life Gravity and smaller masses
Tracking down the early universe Thermal drainpipe cools earth The Ramanujan robot Why bats do not catch COVID Sleep helps brain recover
Singing to probe the thyroid Intelligent life in the cosmos Hydrogen, fuel of the future Quicker fix for snakebite Modeling brain tissue
Plants evolve to hide DNA to aid cryptography Ancestry of the genetic code Jupiter's moon glows at night Economics of the ant colony
Iron clad beetle What goes into ink Wings make room for muscle Sustainable and in comfort Crypt of Denmark's Royal saint
Chromium steel in ancient Persia Plants that bite and sting Eye to scan sky Singing dog emerges from extinction Keeping cool without AC
Crossing barriers of OFC Battery in the brickwork Can conserving nature prevent pandemics? Sunshine casts shadow on COVID-19 Science must guide the battle against COVID-19
Vitual Reality and Video Conferencing Does COVID-19 ride the air waves? COVID-19 and vaccine resistance Mathematics and society Numbers distort COVID-19 data
The mask does the trick Math and lifting lockdown Masking post lockdown COVID-19 and man's best friend COVID-19 and machine learning
COVID-19 and warm weather Quest for the vaccine Could green energy be a shade of brown? Living with COVID-19 COVID-19 - science and the environment
COVID-19 and virus science Is India ready for the electric car? COVID-19 and numbers Dog senses heat A decade wasted
Measuring up to cancer Electricity from the air Dethroning coronavirus Dolhins stay silent but safe Buildings as the carbon store
Beyond the storm clouds Eliminate message, not messenger Nano-science and snake venom The beautiful duckling Material that self-assembles
Sea level rise in pre-history Fibre cable watches weather DNA storage - nature's way Climage change in history
Sense and rhythm of spoken word The Peter Pan protein Shadow play of the planets Sunflower shows the way Salt keeps its flavour
Twang of the quantum guitar string Cryptocurrency Ageing nuclear plants See like the mosquito Pop the bubbly
In the footsteps of Humboldt Give shocks like the eel Vegetarian to save the planet Getting plants to hurry Radiating to space
What numbers conceal Coping with climate change Lexicon of emotions Life bootstraps Which came first?
Sun and fresh water Smart spctacles Science and disease of the mind The ancients and what they ate Tides and earthquakes
The cosmic spur to evolution The moon and bringing water to the earth Drilling down the far side of the moon Singing for their supper Resetting neurons
Simulate speech in ALS Gravity and climate change Einstein's own Relativity for lay-persons Rust proof in 300 BCE Greener cooling
Reducing noise in the cosmos Gravity raises the alarm Recovering burnt toast Friends keep enemies at bay Diamonds cool the planet
Mosquitoes listen in Science and the 'morning after' Clean chit to the radio collar Balancing energy options 150 years of the periodic table
Best writing in math -2018 Light touch of illumination Ozone under attack again A calculus gallery Pin sunlight down
Smart Pixel Wind power not all free Taking planets' temperature Planning for the rainy day Bats and dolphins in the lead
Sniffer dogs detect malaria Optical gyro stays on course Virtual water Shrimp shows the way to see better Rough landing on Jupiter's moon
Reflecting to keep cool Galileo's damage control Follicle that smells New antibiotic Waterloo and siesmology
Global warmng spreads its wings Dwarf plant stand firm Van Gogh and fading paint Big data in the physics lab Getting air to firm up
Signs of life on Jupiter's moon Zero gravity photosynthesis An ear to the ground Crow learns like humans Wine sanitisers
A day on Venus Zero and bees' buzz Splitting to pair up Silent signals in the deep Expanding antibiotic arsenal
Amonia turns green Python-programmers' Swiss knife Privacy and the information black-out Room temperature maser
IC engine turns astro laboratory Eggshell marvel New light on dark matter Bio-engineering in the brewery Thirstswitches on-off
Nano wires revive the retina Is artexclusively human? Speed reading from DNA Wood flexes muscles Ice transmutes
Math and historical records Commet slows down Striking at the malaria genome Bavaria, theory of heat and filter coffee Editing genes like letters of text
Global warming and wind power Funnelling frequencies in sunlight India's nuclear submarine Contest of presenting science Mythical river stays hidden
Farming Can be Organic First place in pollution Chamber in Cheop's Pyramid Brain scan reveals distress The robot that plays GO
Cracking the Cosmic Code Gravity Revisited Early forecast of downpour Did life first arise on Mars? Making room for science
Cuckoo deceives with a difference Italians earliest vintners Babylon scoops Greece in math Silent witness of warmer times Fairy Circles on land and in sea
Man-made nose samples wine Spiders and the ant-walk Data safe in DNA Modelling corruption Rats - gnawing problem underfoot
Hyperloop - Supersonic and on terra firma Yoga delves into DNA The song is the songbird Language of the nanoparticle chat for The arts sharpen scientitsts' perception
Did water on the eartth come from comets> Other sources of molecular oxygen The hologram and telepresence Ten midges make a swarm Entropy and the economy
Faint light of outer space Math and spots on the Lizard's coat Geological Brexit Nature's way to stay clean Seeing and remebering
Herdsmen and the Silk Road Computers and the Poker face Chimes for unhearing ears Seeing with eagle eyes Helium under pressure
Mosquitoes can spot malaria Change track to keep rust out Stay fit with Dr Sun Child's toy helps deetect malaria Drug discovery and data science
No rest for the TB bacillus Ice sweats before it melts Eyeglass for the exoplanet Changing th colour of starlight Tales numbers tell
The Nepali porter makes light of the burden We see with our ears too! How the squirrel got her stripes Lighting the way into space
Math and the mosquito Vision through glare and diffuse media Is there violence in our genes? Seaweed and the White Clifs of Dover Quantum effect random numbers at fingertips
China brings Farmer know-how from lab to field Clothing that lets one cool down WIFI built into lighting The Oldest sharks All musical sense is not 'natural'
Early forecast of Indian monsoon Atom-level data storage Seabirds help track ocean winds Brain-like computing demystifies H2O 316. Early beer in China
315. Rose petals for solar power 314. Crossing the blood-brain barrier 313. China's scientific leap forward 312. Mercury dulls the sheen of gold 311. Economics of migration
310. Timekeeping by the atomic nucleus 309. Changing tack in pathogen pursuit 308. The poet and the almanac 307. Data storage in DNA 306. Molecular key to secret code
305. Virus uses polarised light to get about 304. Making science easy to read 303. Exoplanets by gravitational lensing 302. New search for ET intellignece 301. Closer to quantum Computing
300. Can fine wines weather climate change? 299. Putting CO2 to work 298. Scrub water clean 297. Nature inspires water technology 296. Parallel computing to tame biofuel
295. LIGO senses space-time ripple 294.Add a dash of Math (Feb 2016) 293.Antihydrogen and gravity (Feb 2016) 292. Drumbeat of the flytrap (Jan 2016) 290. Guiding scissors to cut DNA (Jan 2016)
289A. Counting the tiger's stripes (Jan 2016) 289. Getting past the mucus barrier (Dec 2015) 288. 'abc' of math in prime time (Dec 2015) 287. Longer days in a warmer world (Dec 2015) 286. How soon will CO2 peak? (Dec 2015)
285. Cars go gren but emissions grow (Dec 2015) 284. A century of relativity (Nov 2015) 283.Protein shows birds the way(Nov 2015) 282. The remarkable number, 'e' (Nov 2015) 281. Scientists on the ramp (Nov 2015)
280. Functional redundancy in species (Oct 2015) 279. Multiple cameras view sun (Oct 2015) 278. Biodiversity below ground (Oct 2015) 277.New Ways of Pestcontrol (Oct 2015) 276 Bible Helps Translate (Sep 2015)
275. Admit light, expel heat (Sep 2015) 274. Science is still a mystery to many (Sep 2015) 273. A shade to see through (Sep 2015) 272. Holding on to radiation (Sep 2015) 271. SOS for the Sumatran rhino (Aug 2015)
270. Greening the solar cell (Aug 2015) 269. Fracking-messiah or menace? (Aug 2015) 268. Buttrfly wings light up solar cells (Aug 2015) 267. White light laser (July 2015) 266. Emissions pump older carbon (July 2015)
265. Effect of Air Travel worsens (July 2015) 264. Planetary waves raise the heat (July 2015) 263. Wordgames in birdsong (July 2015) 262. Leap second marks time (June 2015) 261 Opting for green (June 2015)
Lessons from patching the ozone hole
260. La Nina and global Warming (May 2015) 259. Physiology of gambling (May 2015) 258. Microchip restores sight (April 2015) 257. Artificialphotosynthesis (April 2015) 256. Laser in the test tube ( April 2015)
255 How long is the day on Saturn? (April 2015) 254. Molecules form as fractals (April 2015 253. DNA architecture reaches out (Mar 2015) 252. The day of Pi (Mar 2015) 251. Chameleon flexes to change colour (Mar 2015)
250. People power to the rescue (Mar 2015) 249. The great brain gain (Feb 2015) 248. Iron and steel warm up(Feb 2015) 247. Women in science (Feb 2015) 246. Making sense of Greek in cinders (Feb 2015
245. Comet at close quarters (Jan 2015) 244. 4th planetary boundary breached 243. Sustainabilityin buiness school (Jan 2015) 242. Motion is a sign of life (Jan 2015) 212. Science in 2015 (Dec 2014)
240. Science in 2014 ( Dec 2014) 239. Bohr-Einsteinthought experiment done for real (Dec 2014) 238. Are we all Martians? (Dec 2014) 237. Chilling in the sunshine (Dec 2014) 236. Quasi crystals - out of step, but in tune (Nov 2014)
254. Nobels ring in year of light (Nov 2014) 234. Streams in atmosphere feed cloudbursts (Nov 2014) 233. A safe and just space Nov 2014 232. Electric power to all is no Cost Oct 20142 risk (Oct 2014) 231. IARU Congress (News report)-Converging to save planet 24th Oct 2014
230. Reinventing the university Oct 2014 229. Global warming plays hide and seek Oct 2014 228. Busting boi-fuel myth Oct 2014. 227. Animal camouflage trims sails Oct 2014 226. Tweaking photosynthesis Sep 2014.
225. Green energy is energy security Sep 2014 224. Smart farming can still do it Sep 2014 223. The body grows its own cardiac by pass Sep 2014 222. Tibetans breathe easy 27th Aug 2014 221. Video shooting the split second (to get). 20th Aug 2011
220. Video shooting the split second (to get). 20th Aug 2011 219. Atom-layer semiconductors 13th Aug 2014 218. Growing tomato all night 6th Aug 2014 217. Polarised light in the animal kingdom 23rd July 2014 216. Trust - the next real estate 16th July 2014
215. Kitchen salt in solar cells 9th July 2014 214. Wind turbines in Denmark 2nd July 2014 213. Euro-Science Open Forum 2014 25th June 2014 212. Error correction in quantum computing 18th June 2014 211. Testing the anti-world 11th June 2014
210. Reactive nitrogen 4th June 2014 209. Spider bares fangs 28th May 2014 208. Staying in tune 21st May 2014 207. Agreeing a bout climate change 14th May 2014 206. Rodent smells a rat 30th Apr 2014
205. Dim light, bright future 23 Apr 2014 204. Nano barcodes 16th Apr 2014 203. Enemy resources to fight cancer 9th Apr 2014 202. Cutting fat out 2nd Apr 201 201. Quantum computing goes nuclear 26th Mar 2014
200. Diamonds play water dowser 19th Mar 2014 199. Graphene inspires solar cells 12th Mar 2014 198. Zircon passes test 5th Mar 2014 197. Eucalyptus brings in the gold 26th Feb 2014 196. No safe landing for bacteria 19th Feb 2014
195. Nanoparticles glow by turns 12th Feb 2014 194. Transparent display screen 5th Feb 2014 193. Light on fading memory 29th Jan 2014 192. Better photo-cell 22nd Jan 2014 191. Electrity on tap 15th Jan 2014
190. Prosperity and entropy 8th Jan 2014 189. Staying in touch 1st Jan 2014 188. Deciphering the Cyrus Cylinder 25th Dec 2013 187. Sparklers in ice 18th Dec 2013 186. Too much, too young 11th Dec 2013
185. Answers to Malaria 4th Dec 2013 184. Staying dry 27th Nov 2013 183. Culture is a gruop thing 20th Nov 2013 182. Picking the right antibiotic 13th Nov 2013 181. Targeting Alzheimer's 5th Nov 2013
180. Electon spintronics 30th Oct 2013 179. Conducting the dolphin choir 23rd OCt 2013 178. Fine structure constant stays put 16th Oct 2013 177. Mercury in syncopation 9th Oct 2013 176. Waste to resource 2nd Oct 2013
175. Seeds of life came by comet 25th Sep 2013 174. Dolby Noise Reduction 18th Sep 2013 173. Mega strength in nano materials 11th Sep 2013 172. Nano light up single cells 4th Sep 2013 171. DIY in agriculture 28th Aug 2013
170. First iron came from space 21st Aug 2013 169. Charting brain roadmap 14th Aug 2013 168. Vascular glass keeps cool 7th Aug 2013 167. Faster than fairies 31st July 2013 166. Power from pollution 24th July 2013
165. Earth's heartbeat 17th July 2013 164. Electric charge and honey bees 10th July 2013 163. Silicon laser 3rd July 2013 162. Floods may be the norm 26th June 2013 161. Math in cancer cure 19th June 2013
160. Hole in time 12th June 2013 159. Zebra Finch - bricklayer in speech 5th June 2013 158. Binoccular vision in rats 29th May 2013 157. No clear forecast for climage 22nd May 2013 156. Pear shaped at heart 15th May 2013
155. Mimic the compound eye 8th May 2013 154. Sparkers point the way 1st May 2013 153. Enzymes ride the waves 24th Apr 2013 152. Many sides of H2O 17th Apr 2013 151. Rare blood type 10th Apr 2013
150. Peeping into living cell 3rd Apr 2913 149. Thought experiment done for real 27th Mar 2013 148. Repair of retina in sight 20th Mar 2013 147. Close look at distant fireball 13th Mar 2013 146. Connected networks 6th Mar 2013
145. Airy electrons 27th Feb 2013 144. Another cheer for biodiversity 14th Feb 2013 143. Overture to stellar swansong 14th Feb 2013 142. Cosmic weighing scale 6th Feb 2013 141. Blowing hot and cold 30th Jan 2013
140. 23rd Jan 2013 - Nano works to get it harder 23rd Jan 2013 139. Dark matter and supersymmetry 16th Jan 2013 138. Bose and Higgs particle 9th Jan 2013 137. Birdsong is music 2nd Jan 2013 136. Asteroid strike 26th Dec 2012
135. Rudolf reindeer's red nose 19th Dec 2012 134. Let's keep it clean 12th Dec 2012 133. Food in changing climes 5th Dec 2012 132. Colloid choreography 28th Nov 2012 131.Turning the heat off< 21st Nov 2012/font>
130. Clear sight in the fog 14th Nov 2012 129. Fish scales and polarised light 128. Let the bees buzz 31st Oct 2012 127. Viral RNA pack themselves 24th Oct 2012 126. Graphene Sandwich 17th Oct 2012
125. Analgesic in snake pit 0th Oct 2012 124. Memories of chocolate 3rd Oct 2012 123. Action replay of evolution 26th Sep 2012 122. Changing colours 19th Sep 2012 121. Math and police work 12 Sep 2012
120. Sep 2012 - X Ray laser and diamond 5th Sep 2012 119. Housing in crowded cities 29th Aug 2012 118. Do we learn to be good? 22nd Aug 2012 117. History of climate 15th Aug 2012 116. Cuccoo and deception 8th Aug 2012
115. Stone Age caves 1st Aug 2012 114. Monarch butterfly, the navigator 25th July 2012 113. Prehistoric gold rush 18th July 2012 112. Vido games turn protein designer 11th July 2012 111. Is there a iggs particle? 4th July 2012
110. Digital photos 27th June 2012 109. Bugs and the carbon budget 20th June 2012 108. Being alike is good neighbourly 13th June 2012 107. Iron in place of Magnesium in ancient RNA 6th June 2012 106. Efficient solar cells 30th May 2012
105. Vacuum tube comeback 23rd May 2012 104. Choosing nuclear garbage bins May 2012 103. Green light for organic farming 11th May 2012 102. The salt tax and cardiac health 25th April 2012 101. Accelerating universe and gravity lensing 18th April 2012
100. Drought resistat plants 11th April 2012 99. Then sank the Titanic 4th April 2012 98. Prosperity and entropy 4th April 2012 097. Whales and acoustic squint 28th Mar 2012 096. Monsoon and warming 21st March 2012
095. Analysing reflected earthlight 14th March 2012 094. Math to heart 22nd Feb 2012 093. 15th Feb 2012 - Bubbly bubbles 15th Feb 2012 092. Megafauna in Australia 8th Feb 2012 091. X Ray laser 1st Feb 2012
090. Flu research pause 25th Jan 2012 089. Bridging the science-layman Gap 18th Jan 2012 088. Skin Deep And Superconducting 11th Jan 2012 087. Year of Ramanujan 4th Jan 2012 086. Saving Planet Earth 28th Dec 2011
085. Insects Inspire New Material 21st Dec 2011 084. Stirling and Schumacher 14th Dec 2011 083. Atomic forces on disection table. 7th Dec 2011 082. Santa and Science. 30th Nov 2011 081. Painting the smokestack black. 23rd Nov 2011
080. Fish co-culture. 16th Nov 2011 079. Coat of many colours. 9th Nov 2011 078. Spin hastens data transfer. 2nd Nov 2011 077. Smarter and Gentler 26th Oct 2011 076. Do it like DNA. 19th OCt 2011
075. Genetics of morality. 12th Oct 2011 074. Slippery plant. 5th Oct 2011 073. Stereo vision. 28th Sep 2011 072. Thinking makes it so. 21st Sep2011 071. Invisible exoplanet. 14th Sep 2011
070. LHC - First results. 7th Sep 2011 069. Return of cloud chamber. 31st Aug 2011 068. Microbes clean oil spill. 24th Aug 2011 067. Growing body spares. 17th Aug 2011 066. Vampires sense heat. 10th Aug 2011
065. Earth's new neighbour. 3rd Aug 2011 64. Zeroin on distant planet. 27th Jul 2011 063. Ripples and paintbrush. 20th Jul 2011 062. Ripples within the earth. 13th Jul 2011 061. Birds say V for Viable flight. 6th July 2011
060. Warblers in Tower of Babel. 29th Jun 2011 059. Beer bars in ancient France.22nd Jun 2011 058. Not bird-brained. 15th Jun 2011 057. Uncertain about uncertainty. 8th Aug 2011 056. Shape of electron. 1st Jun 2011
055. Kepler and more exoplanets. 25th May 2011 054. Faster than transistors. 18th May 2011 053. Trees track El Nino. 11th May 2011 052. Ocean current temper climate. 4th May 2011 051. Biodiversity is good economics. 13th Apr 2011
050. Vit D and arteries. 6th Apr 2011 049. Coring the earth. 30th Mar 2011 048. Messenger and Mercury. 23rd Mar2011 047. Fucasima and boron. 16th Mar2011 046. Counting nano particles. 9th Mar 2011
045. Neutron stars are soft at heart. 2nd Mar 2011 044. Optical feats of nano composites. 23rd Feb2011 043. Nanowires shrink electronics. 16th Feb 2011 042. Plants save for time of need. 9th Feb 2011 041. Genes come to smokers' aid.2nd Feb 2011
040. Amoebae sow like farmers. 26thJan 2011 039. Measuring sunlight energy.19th Jan 2011 038.Colour coding in evolution. 12th Jan 2011 037. Science in the decade. 5th Jan 2011 036. Jamming bacterial radio channels. 15th Dec 2010
035. Situs Inversus. 8th Dec 2010 034. Ressembling the look alike. 1st Dec 2010 033. Energy from information. 17th Nov 2010 032. Callng long distance. 10th Nov 2010 031. Seeing deeper into space. 3rd Nov 2010
030. getting more civilised. 26th Oct 2011 029. Comets and asteroids. 13th Oct 2010 028. Evolution wins another round. 29th Sep 2010 027. Seeing electron quiver. 22nd Sep 2010 026. Animals keep cool in desert. 15th Sep 2010
025. Bacteria help comrades. 8th Sep 2010 024. Sun-like stars in view. 1stSep 2010 023. Gene bank in danger. 11th Aug 2010 022. Disc help peer into sea. 4th Aug 2010 021. IPR in science. 28th Jul 2010
020. Parallel process in cancer cure. 21st Jul 2010 019. Proton puts theory to test. 14th Jul 2010 018. Organic farming takes care of pests. 7th Jul 2010 .017. Thirty meter telescope. 30th Jun 2010 016. Spotting invisible planets 23rd Jun 2010
015. Fish lead by the nose. 16th Jun 2010 014. Blood grouping. 9th Jun 2010 013. Nanotech and nature's colours. 2nd Jun 2010 012. Termite and ecology. 26th May 2010 011. 2010.GoldenYearOfLaser. 19th May 2010
010. CatalystForHydrogen. 12th MAy 2010 009. PhenologyAndWarming. 5th May 2010 008. Brown rice and cardiac health. 28th Apr 2010 007. Zodiacal light. 21st Apr 2010 006. Diamonds on Uranus. 14th Apr 2010
005.SunshineVitamin. 7th Apr 2010 004.Calculus of crime. 20th Mar 2004 003. Chandrayan and water quest. 24th Mar 2010 002. 50 years looking for ET. 17th Mar 2010 001. Electrons spin past barriers. 10th Mar 2010